DevLog #4 - General Polish & Delays

This fourth devlog will general polishing of the game as well as delays, troubles and other issues encountered.

General Issues Encountered

There have been a few roadblocks encountered this week. As it stands, I myself am not compotent enough in C# and have to rely on numerous tutorial exercises, online tutorials and forums; StackExchange and the Unity forum mainly for finding assistance with any scripting errors and how to go about certain mechanics.

Implementing audio that continues through scene changes was easy to do using DontDestroyOnLoad for a gameobject. Though the audio is far too loud, even at a volume of 0.1 inside Unity, once in a build is still quite loud but somehow lowers in volume on transitioning to the next scene.

The weapon change and shooting scripts I will need ro rewrite and re-implement as the player disappearing issue is still present, and bullet speed no matter how times changed as a public variable in the Inspector or in the code directly doesn't seem to change it in the game.

Carrying scores over multiple scenes and displaying scores using Canvas has given a few hiccups so far. I believe this issue can be ironed out very soon though.

The scope of this game may have been too much at the start, but hopefully with more time dedicated to polishing different aspects of the game before ironing out the issues above, the core game itself can be finished before fixing up Scripting issues.

Layout + Level Design

The design of the first level I'm rather proud of. Red bricks ontop the grey bricks, prison cell doors, lighting, cells and open areas. I plan to add in another area or two before the player reaches the end of this first level. This will also serve as a basis for hopefully a tutorial level which informs the player of mechanics, objectives and informs them of the gist of the game.

Another level is currently a W.I.P and will be finished within the next few days.

Midnight Bounty Hunter, Level One


I've begun audio implementation into the game. Adding in royalty free background tracks for my main menu and first prison level. Listening to dozens of audio tracks one another another isn't too easy to do. Especially when trying to find that one track, or possibly two tracks which feel and fit right within the game world. Having something upbeat, but also mysterious and like an action movie. That's the feel I'm trying to accomplish with my audio and I believe the sounds below are all good examples. A few of them may be used across different scenes.

As far as SFX goes, bullet sounds, hurt audio and UI click audio bytes have been sourced from Kenney Assets, royalty and copyright free.

  * DevLog 4: Over

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