DevLog #6 - Game Testing Feedback

As a result of the Game Testing that occured, below is a breakdown of the results from it with thoughts and feedback on them. 

Participant Count: 3 users
With only three participants for user testing, feedback will be limited to a rather small pool, which must be kept in mind. But feedback is feedback regardless. The amount of users per question result will be located in brackets after the answer.

Q: Do you agree to answer this testing form with 100% honesty?
A: 100% said yes (3)

I'm glad to see that the testers were willing to be honest. I'd hope they wanted to be regardless of this question being asked.

Q: The objective of the game easy to understand?
A: 100% said yes (3)

From the page description and how the game runs, having it be easy to understand across the board is good.

Q: Do Collisions work appropriately?
A: 33.3% said Strongly Agree (1)
33.3% said Agree (1)
33.3% said Disagree (1)

Feedback regarding collisions is rather broad, a three-way split. Though the collisions in the testing build were rather a mish-mash of working and not working due to last minute changes with Triggers. Properly setting up collisions and triggers will fix the issues encountered.

Q: Opening level fits the objective and backstory of the game
A: 66.7% said Agreed (2)
33.3% Strongly Agreed (1) 

General feedback here being that the first prison floor level works, with a strong agreement over it.

Q: Is the art style appropriate?
A: 66.7% Strongly Agreed (2)
33.3%  Agreed (1) 

Strong agreement over the art style being appropriate is good, tileset very much fits the prisoner, escaped targets feeling and aesthetic.

Q: Scenes transition effectively and smoothly
A: 66.7% said Neutral (2)
33.3% Strongly Agreed (1) 

As far as scene transitions go, not much work was done here but feedback rates them a strong-neutral. Some animation fades might be worth while to introduce into the final build.

Q:  Is the size of the first level good?
A: 66.7% said Slightly Larger (2)
33.3% said Could be much larger (1) 

Overwhelming feedback points to the first and only level in the test build being too small, and that it could be larger. The first level as it is might be transitioned to being the basis for the tutorial level. With a complete re-design for the first level, and second level to come after that will learn from the size of the first one.

Q: Was the User Interface approriate?
A: 66.7% Agreed (2)
33.3% said Neutral (1)

Majority agreed that the UI was just appropriate, with one tester saying it was neutral. Changes to make it more appealing and more inline with the game design will be needed.

Q: Was the bullet speed and shooting good?
A: 66.7% were Neutral (2)
33.3% Strongly Agreed (1)

A strong-neutral agreement in terms of bullet speed and the feeling of shooting in-game. This has been a rough area to develop due to coding issues, but will be improved based upon feedback encountered. Faster bullet speeds and the player not moving faster than the bullets are vital fixes to implement.

Q: Enemy speed is appropriate
A: 33.3% said Strongly Agree (1)
33.3% said Agree (1)
33.3% said Disagree (1)

A three-way split regarding enemy movement speed. This is an area I've not been too happy with, so enemy movement might be increased depending on enemy type.

Q: Game runs smoothly and has no noticable delays or performance issues
A: 100% Strongly Agreed

All three testers strongly agreed that the game performs well, Unity publishing have been set to prioritise optimisation over anything else, so glad to see that strongly agreed was unanimous here.

Q: The background audio is approriate
A: 100% Agreed

The main menu and in-game music being appropriate is quite the relief, as I thought they would work but was unsure what others would think. This is a big relief to know.

Q: The audio volume was appropriate
A: 100% said Too Loud

I heavily agree with the feedback. The music volume is far too loud and almost defeaning to the ears through headphones. Adjusting mixer volume and checking for any irregularities will be important for moving forward.

General thoughts on the game overall?
A-1: I think that it looks good. The player sprite and movement feel good as well. There are some issues with the enemy collisions but I imagine that stuff is fixed in the build that I didn't bet to play.
A-2: It is an interesting game, especially love the jail doors and the flash light effect.
A-3: Looks good! excited to see it once you get enemy damage and health going

The feedback regarding the game direction and how it looks and feels overall seems to be rather positive. The game appears to look good and "interesting" to the testers. The fixes regarding collisions, implementing enemy damage, player health and enemy health, more jail doors, flickering lights and other additions will make the game worth while to play.

Were there any obvious bugs with the game? If so, please list them
A-1: Could push enemies out of bounds.
A-2: Not that I noticed.
A-3: Being able to push enemies out of the map, flashlight stuck on second weapon, can't swap back from pistol

Bug feedback was a surprise in some ways. Users 1 and 3 discovered you could push enemies out of the map, which I had not encountered before. Though with the appropriate collisions and triggers in place, that will not happen. User 2 had no noticable bugs to report where as User 3 encountered another bug I hadn't previously. Flashlight being stuck turned on for the second weapon, which might be due to a SetActive() code issue. The final bug of being stuck on the pistol was a known bug entering the testing and was expected to be in bug reporting. The array that handles weapon swapping is bugged currently and is being fixed currently.

Overall Rating of the Game: 6.3 / 10 average
User 1: 5/10
User 2: 6/10
User 3:

  * DevLog 6 - Game Testing Feedback: Over

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