DevLog #7 - Level Design & Environment

This seventh devlog will cover finalised changes to Level count and User Interface changes.

General Polish

The game project has had many overhauls and visual changes during the last week. With level design changes, new levels added while some removed, in-game menus have been shuffled and made to be more visually appealing

Game Levels

With time constraints and the project deadline steadily approaching, I've had to scrap some of the planned levels. Levels two and three have been removed completely from the game and have been slightly replaced. The original Main menu and three level design has been modified to account for one main game level and two side levels.

  • Main Menu: This is the landing page for the game, the main menu holds options for starting the game, level selection, settings, help and quitting the game.
  • Tutorial: The tutorial is a starting level which will guide the players through the controls and features of the game, helping them get acquainted with how to play.
  • Level One: The first and only real level of the game for now. It makes up for it in terms of size and dangers hidden throughout. Players will need to search the level to find prisoners to capture or kill to complete their mission.
  • Survival: Survival is an Endless wave game mode inside of a small prison-themed, bare bones arena. The player will spawn in the centre of a room and every 10 seconds, waves of enemies spawn and rush the player with knives. These enemies are faster and deal more damage compared to enemies encountered in the Tutorial and Level One. This is meant as a fun, small mini game to see how long the player can survive.
  • old_LevelOne: This is a testing ground which served as the original level testers had played on, it will be removed from the final project folder and build of Midnight Bounty Hunter.

U.I. Changes

The UI in-game previously was lacklustre and quite awful to be honest. After searching for suitable fonts and re-arranging the UI elements, I believe the result is better than before, and isn't as obtrusive. Previously, if the player score, kill or capture count got too big the number wouldn't appear and would just say Score:, Kills: or Captures:. The Health Bar itself is also now functional, and drains in proportion to how much damage the player receives.

  * DevLog 7: Over

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